Lifestyle Analysis, Financial Affidavits, Expense Projections, and More...
What We Do

Lifestyle Analysis
Also known as the standard of living established during the marriage. An analysis that fairly and accurately represents the ordinary and customary lifestyle expenses of the parties, for an average period.

Financial Affidavit
Preparation of a court required form that identifies income, expenses, assets, and liabilities (sometimes called a financial affidavit).

Forensic Analysis
Tracing of money to determine flow of cash, dissipation, transfers between marital and non-marital accounts.

Expense Projection
Identifies and calculates future expenses where the historical information is not available or not reflective of current costs.

Balance Sheet
Preparation of an itemized list of values for accounts or items that are owned and owed.

Expert Testimony
Provides testimony at depositions and/or trials regarding financial matters in a family law case.